JUDICIARY Latest Features

Case Backlog Monitoring Committee on Countrywide M&E Exercise

Members of the Hon. Justice Richard Buteera-chaired Case Backlog Monitoring Committee have embarked on a country wide case backlog monitoring and evaluation exercise.

This week, a team comprised of Hon. Justice Fredrick Egonda-Ntende, the Vice Chairperson of the Case Backlog Reduction Committee, Hon. Lady Justice Dr. Esther Kisakye, moved to areas of Arua, Gulu and Lira for the exercise. 

The Committee interacted with judicial officers in the different circuits and shared the Case Backlog Reduction Report.

The team emphasizedthe case backlog elimination strategy, compliance with the CJ circular ondelivery of pending judgments, development of case backlog clearance plansspecific to each court, among others.

Similar exercises have been carried out in the different divisions of the High Court as well as Chief Magistrate courts around Kampala.

Plans are underway for the Committee to visit other High Court Circuits as well.

Posted 18th, January 2018
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